Physics started this weekend. “How is the class?”, I hear you wondering? “Is it more like your Gen Chem experience, or is it more like O Chem?” I’m so glad you asked!
The teacher for this class is also the administrator for the entire science program, and while I haven’t exactly fought with him over some issues, there have been some strained conversations. So, I went into this class a little worried about what kind of teacher he would be and whether I would get along with him okay.
The answer is, he’s a pretty good teacher. And that’s a huge relief after O Chem.
And the material is all making sense. Which is a huge relief after O Chem.
And it’s math-o-riffic. Which is a huge relief after O Chem.
So yeah, this class is gonna go pretty easily. I’ve already finished the homework to date and the lab write-up from the weekend, and I’m feeling ready for the first test this coming Saturday. I may even find myself tutoring a student or two from the class.
Speaking of which, I also find myself really glad to be seeing most of this class again. It’s easy to forget the extent to which a class can be a really social experience. There are some great people in this class (and a few characters), and it’s good to see them again, hear their stories of the second half of O Chem that I missed, and catch up.
It’s good to have a class that makes me feel smart, after a class that made me feel helpless. 🙂
I was all primed for a important new and exciting announcement about physics. Darn. 😉
I’m glad this class is going well for you.
good on ya!
Have fun and enjoy!