You’re now reading the journal of an unemployed guy.
The straitjacket was very well received. The HR woman was greatly amused, and also noted the security person who walked by the office very slowly, no doubt looking for the nutjob that had been reported prowling the hallways.
We had a very good talk, quite frank and quite lengthy. And I learned that if I come back within two years all of my “seniority” resumes. In terms of things like vacation accrual and 401K matching, that’s significant.
Now what on earth will I do with all of this free time? It’ll be fun finding out.
I voted yes but of course you’d want to consider the strong impression it may give …
unless the idea was to keep you from punching someone. 🙂
… but handcuffs are more versatile.
“Free at last, free at last…”
You’re now reading the journal of an unemployed guy.
The straitjacket was very well received. The HR woman was greatly amused, and also noted the security person who walked by the office very slowly, no doubt looking for the nutjob that had been reported prowling the hallways.
We had a very good talk, quite frank and quite lengthy. And I learned that if I come back within two years all of my “seniority” resumes. In terms of things like vacation accrual and 401K matching, that’s significant.
Now what on earth will I do with all of this free time? It’ll be fun finding out.