Day 52 of 62

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We started the morning by driving through the town of Thunder Bay, to see if there was any thing to stop and linger over. The previous night I had seen a tourist ad that identified Paul Schaeffer (from the original Saturday Night Live band, and the Blues Brothers, and now the David Letterman show) as a native son, so we hoped his home town would have a hip and happ’nin’ side. But no, aside from the obligatory WalMart, there wasn’t a lot to see, not even people out walking around on a pleasant Sunday morning.

We stopped for an hour or so on the outskirts of Thunder Bay at the Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park, which they call the “Niagara of the North”. I don’t know that I would go that far, but they were very pretty, even if the water was a bit brackish brown. I think Niagara is admired for the solid curtain of white water, whereas these falls had many different layers of water falling and pooling

Kakabeka Falls

So, we continued along route 17, northeast. We finally passed out of the Eastern time zone, into Central, which felt like a big deal after so long. We entered Eastern on 6/26, one day short of a month ago. We’re still far short of Cupertino, but it feels like we’re on our way now.

We’ve also decided to bypass Vancouver BC and Seattle on this trip. We’ve seen both cities before, and really enjoyed them, but a road trip by bus has proved to be more suitable to rural spaces than big cities. So, the rough plan will be to head south into the US around Glacier National Park, into Montana. We’ll get to see Montana, Northern Idaho, and maybe a bit more of Washington State before heading to Gresham for a respite before the last stretch to Cupertino. And by that time, we should have a really good idea of whether the house in Gresham will sell or not, which will have a large influence on where we decide to settle after this trip.

We crossed the border into Manitoba and managed to find a place to camp in the Whiteshell Provincial Park. I’m always looking for swaths of green on the map and this big park was a good choice. We went past a couple of full campgrounds and a couple that were highly undesirable, so I started to get nervous. My least-favorite sort of campground is the usual layout of private campgrounds and “RV parks”, rows of campers with just enough space for a picnic table in between. After a bit more driving we found a campground with plenty of trees defining the edges of each site and a small lake and enjoyed a lovely Sunday evening.

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