I Passed!

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This morning I (finally) did the hands-on final for the Advanced massage class from last fall. I know, I know, but the class ended in mid-December, and the holidays, and then I was quitting work, and… but yeah, I should have scheduled it sooner than I did.

Anyway, my hands-on final was this morning, and it went swimmingly. The instructor was very complimentary about how attentive I was, my choreography and transitions, the length of the strokes and how I extended all the way to the attachments. She really dug it, and seemed to feel much looser, and even taller after the massage. The only minor criticism I got was a reminder to work on my body mechanics and really drive the stokes with my lower body. We talked about how that’s an on-going challenge for me, with my big chest and shoulders, especially when working on a smaller client, like she is.

She had a major knot in her shoulder, and a chiro appointment scheduled for right after the massage, so I was really happy to be able to make some headway there and get things loosened up so the chiro would be able to make adjustments.

Yay! Good massage, and I’ve finally wrapped up that class!

Oh yeah, and tonight I get to do the “Deep 2” class for my Fundamentals students. I love it when the instructor lets me run a class! 🙂

6 thoughts on “I Passed!

    1. browse Post author


      Most of my classes (and the source of this morning’s final) have been at a massage school in Palo Alto (CA) named Body Therapy Center. They have little one day community classes, longer continuing ed classes, and big 100+ hour professional training classes. Excellent teachers. I really like this program a lot.

      I’ve also been doing some classes, including a Table Shiatsu class, at a local community college, De Anza College. I really admire the idea of putting together a legitimate massage program at the community college level, and the people there are doing a fine job. And it’s _so_ inexpensive. But, the facilities are considerably dingier than at BTC (because California so underfunds education), and the classes at BTC feel more… complete. More put together. Better rounded.

      Anyway, more than you wanted to know, I’d guess. 🙂

      1. zebe


        …that’s just what I was looking for, thanks 🙂

        I’m interested in learning as well, so I was wondering what kind of places to ask about classes.


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