Day 26 of 62

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This post is from Shelley:
Nostalgia Tour 2004 is off to a great start in Virginia Beach. Although the roads and the strip malls have changed a lot, huge parts of it looked just as I remembered. All the old names came back to me: Lynnhaven, Laskin, General Booth; Great Neck, Little Neck, Birdneck; Broad Bay, Rudee Inlet. I ate my old favorite sandwich from the Jewish Mother and a really delicious blue-crab crabcake at the Duck In. I saw my old high school, the house we lived in, and many old “haunts”; as we drove I could rattle off “went to a party there” or “saw the Pink Floyd laser light show there a jillion times” or “learned to ride a skateboard where these condos are now”. The views of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean were just as I remember and it was great to soak these up for a couple of days. I watched a tanker come over the big bridge-tunnel and settle with a flock of other tankers just as darkness settled, and from the hotel balcony I could watch the water turn grey as the weather did.

The strip itself was a disappointment; too much “family friendly” renovation and junk for sale. The exact same tourist crap is for sale everywhere; even inside the state park, the store had far more in the shells-glued-together-with-ugly-seagull category than functional items like postcards or even beach towels. My only souvenir is a shirt from Jew Mom in a suitably-80s-looking electric pink. The uniformly-wide-and-flat boardwalk is unquestionably an improvement in function but not so much in form, and the endless signs about rules everywhere really detract from any architectural elegance. No matter, I grinned every time I realized I could see the ocean just by looking the right direction.

I didn’t feel like a tourist and therefore didn’t take any pictures in Va Beach. When I get home I’ll have to dig out some of my older ones and see how much my memory altered the view in my mind. The beach was familiar in the rain but less inviting nonetheless, so we decided to explore a different area for a little while and headed towards “The University”.

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