Day 25 of 62

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We drove the rest of the way into Virginia Beach, the town where Shelley spent her high school years. Although we passed through a raging downpour on the way into town, the rain tapered off quickly and the sun eventually came out. We stopped for lunch at “The Jewish Mother”, a deli-restaurant where Shelley worked one summer, and took advantage of their WiFi access to check email and update our travelog.

In the afternoon we went for a swim in the ocean, the Atlantic, which I haven’t touched sinceā€¦ sometime in the 80s, I guess. I’d forgotten how warm the water can be. We played in the surf a bit, and sat on the beach and talked, and even came back to the beach around dusk to sit with our books and read a bit.

We also did some laundry, and then headed to “The Strip” to find a hotel for the night. Four nights camping in a row was enough; I was beginning to feel somewhat grungy, and not at all excited about a campsite with lots of sand, and sand fleas. We got a room with a nice ocean view, bathed quickly and then headed out to walk the strip, people watch, and get a little food before crashing for the night.

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