Day 33 of 62

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We arose early, thinking we could do some sight seeing before the heat got too bad. We went down to 12th and Pennsylvania and rented bicycles to see the standard tourist fare in DC. Let me give brief kudos to the vendor, Bike the Sites; I’ve rented bikes in Boston and Manhattan, and now in DC, and these were clearly the best; bikes were in great shape, fitted to the riders, helmets, locks, etc. Good times.

In short order, we saw the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam War Memorial, and the WW II Memorial. Then we biked up to Georgetown for lunch at Clyde’s, and then headed back to The Mall. We saw the Navy Memorial, the Capitol Building, the Supreme Court building, the Smithsonian Castle, and the Jefferson Memorial.

We biked through a park to get to the Jefferson Memorial, and I managed to duck not-quite-enough as I rode under a tree limb. Ooops. I was briefly shaken up, but the only lasting damage seemed to be to the bike helmet.

Lincoln Memorial

Capitol Building

Oh yeah, we also cruised past the Watergate Towers, FBI building, and National Geographic building.

Did I say were were trying to beat the heat? Ooops. We didn’t return the bikes until after 4:30. We crawled back to the hotel. You have to adore a hotel that hands you flutes of champagne as you walk through the automatically-opening curtains and head towards the elevator. We turned the AC to “arctic” and waited for the magenta sunburns and sore muscles to blossom into fullness.

Around 9:00, we finally emerged for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood.

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