Day 31 of 62

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Shelley’s family has an interesting tradition for these Fourth of July weekend gatherings (one of several traditions.) A number of quizzes are created on posterboard and people submit answers to be reviewed later in the weekend. One quiz was a series of pictures of famous people cut from magazines for you to identify. One was a series of American history questions. And one was a list of descriptive statements each person contributed about themself, so you could try to match a person with a statement. An example statement was “I have always wanted to work in an airport.” (Which everyone was surprised to learn came from Shelley’s aunt Mary Ellen.)

I delayed providing a sentence for myself, and when the deadline approached, I volunteered, “I know all the words to the Swedish Chef’s Song from the Muppet Show”. This turned out to be a great clue, because everyone assumed it came from one of the kids and so no one guessed it correctly. Great, huh?

Well, except when it came time to reveal the answers. Sure, I surprised everyone. But then they all insisted that I sing the song for them. Great. Nothing like performing a thoroughly silly act in front of nearly 30 of your girlfriend’s relatives. Yep, I’m sure I’ll live that down. In about 50 years.

And the next day, they made me do it again.

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