Popping the Kitchen’s Cherry

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We’re still in the midst of unpacking, but the kitchen was assembled just enough that we could make the inaugural meal. We’re having dinner with The Neighbors, and are bringing crack enchiladas*, mexican rice, and hot & sweet scalloped potatoes. So far, it feels like it’s going to be a great kitchen to work in. The drafting table that was converted into a kitchen island is a few inches higher than the usual counter top, which is a relief on my back, and features a massive drawer for a variety of kitchen tools. They all lay out so flat and orderly, it reminds me of an old Phil Hartman skit, “The Anal-Retentive Chef”. I almost want to spray paint a silhouette where each tool goes, like wrenches hung on peg board.

* They don’t really have crack in them (no, really?); they are filled with chicken, cheese and assorted goodness. The name comes form the first time I made them, when the Chickie-Babe said, “I can’t stop eating these! What did you put in them, crack?”

3 thoughts on “Popping the Kitchen’s Cherry

  1. satyridae

    Do TOO have crack in ’em, else I wouldn’t eat so many. They were food perfection.

    Nice drawer. It looks like you need a pair of burly kitchen shears to replace those wimpy little sewing scissors.

  2. dolmena

    I lust your drawer….

    My kitchen has these little drawers with a width a bit over the length of one pair of Chef-Mate scissors. Sometimes size matters…

    1. browse Post author

      Re: I lust your drawer….

      It used to be you lusted for my drawers, now you just lust after my drawer. 😉

      This is the first time I’ve ever lived in a house I’ve owned. I didn’t think it would feel that different, but it does. I’m having fun customizing things and making it all “just so”. 🙂


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