5 Comments on LMP

An “EMP” is an intense electromagnetic burst intended to disable electronic systems. An “LMP” is an intense citrus burst intended to disable taste buds. In a really good way.

The chickie babe asked for a lemon meringue pie for her birthday. I tried to stall her with “Merengue? Hon, you know I’m a lousy dancer”, but she wasn’t buying it. So in mid-move, surrounded by towers of cardboard boxes, with recipes packed up already, I made a sweet pie for my sweetie pie.

I snagged a recipe from the America’s Test Kitchen web site and got busy. There were a couple of interesting things about this recipe. The pie crust they suggested was a fairly standard flour pie dough, but when rolling it out, they use graham cracker crumbs as the “flour” to keep the dough from sticking to the rolling surface. So as you’re rolling, you’re embedding this gritty graham cracker dust into the surface of the pie dough. I like the effect they were shooting for, but it did mean the dough was very fragile when it was fully rolled out, and wanted to crumble dramatically when I finally fitted it into my pie dish. Next time, I’ll try leaving the crust a little thicker. The recipe also called for less lemon juice in the pie filling than I would have guessed. But now that I’ve sampled the pie, they were pretty close. I might add a bit more juice (balancing it by adding less water), but not a lot.

Most importantly, the first slice elicited all of the right moans and murmurs from The Girl , and what could possibly be more important?

Okay, now she can pack away the pie weights.

5 thoughts on “LMP

  1. elvisneedsboats

    Wait! You’re moving? HERE?! Yay!! How did I miss this news? (Okay, don’t answer that. I already know that the reasons are: 1, I haven’t been reading my friends page, and 2, I haven’t been on IRC lately at all.)

    I’m so excited!

    Also, that pie looks wonderful. And I’m not even a big fan of lemon meringue (actually, it’s just the meringue I don’t really like–I LOVE lemon).

  2. satyridae

    Wow! That pie is a thing of beauty.

    I’ll bet you don’t even know how to make pecan pie. My pie weights aren’t packed away, so you can borrow them to prove me wrong.

    1. browse Post author

      Re: Aaaaah…. oooooooh….

      > Did you ever get some of my great-aunt’s lemon pie?
      > You have made my tastebuds homesick.

      Both of those are such obvious straight lines, I hardly know what to do with them. 🙂 But, I will try to resist. No, I don’t think I ever had any of your great aunt’s *ahem* “pie”. Got a recipe you would care to share?

      1. dolmena

        Re: Aaaaah…. oooooooh….

        Wow, looking back, I’m glad I (or you?) deleted that last comment I made. Sometimes I think I can’t take me anywhere…

        You’ll see I posted my great-aunt’s recipe to my journal.


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