The new kitchen

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A few folks complained that the previous blog entry didn’t show any more of the kitchen than the drawer. Okay, so here’s a shot of most of the kitchen.

The new kitchen, in use

The island in the middle of the room is a former drafting table, painted and fitted with a butcher block top. It’s large.
The semi-circle in the foreground is a built-in table, with leaves that fold down. I have the foreground leaf up, and the one farther back folder down.

The french doors open onto the deck, and when the sky is clear, you can see Mount Hood on the horizon.

The room I’m standing in to take this picture is the living room, the first room you enter in the house. I’m looking forward to having people over, standing in the kitchen cooking, people sitting at the table watching and chatting…

I can’t close this post without giving credit to my dear friend Dan. He’s the guy who gutted a house that hadn’t been renovated in approximately 20 years and made it look like this. He does amazing things like this, and I’m lucky to be in a house that has benefitted from so much of his time and attention. Thank you, Dan!

6 thoughts on “The new kitchen

  1. aracknee

    When you said drafting table, I was picturing the variety on metal legs that tilts. I was trying to figure out how you’d balanced a big butcher block on the top and how it was possibly useful. This makes much more sense. 🙂

    Beautiful kitchen, and I can’t wait to sit chillin’ at the table while you cook!

  2. debilyn

    I know this house!

    Hey.. cool house! We toured through when it was in the nearly finished stage.. what.. last January? I’m so glad such nice folks are living there. It looks good with your stuff in it, too. And yes, you’ve got an incredible view, and pretty wonderful neighbors. Congrats!


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