I have been reading more lately, during the rides up and down the peninsula on CalTrain. The latest is Odysseus: A Life, by Charles Rowan Beye, an imagined biography of the hero of the Trojan War and the Odyssey.
I have been particularly interested in Odysseus since I first read The Origin of Consciousness… many years ago. Jaynes makes a case for Odysseus being an early example of a “modern” man, with a fully developed consciousness (in contrast to the rest of the characters of the Iliad). O:AL (perhaps unintentionally) supports this theme, presenting Odysseus as one of the more self-actualized characters of the Bronze Age, more three-dimensional than the rest of the cast of the Iliad by far.
And I noticed the author compared Odysseus’ physical appearance to that of “bluff Prince Hal”, something that will surely amuse one reader of this blog in particular.
Mmm, bluff Prince Hal. I hear he had legs to die for. I’ve ordered the book from the library, thanks for the recommendation.
browse? hi, long time, no post! i was thinking of going to folsom st. fair, will you be going as well? i was looking for a place to stay and to be honest, you and your lady were some of the only good folk i could come up with.
if you feel comfortable, have a couch, or not, and would be ok with some company of a nice young lady, let me know. (i’m not really expecting a yes. though, maybe we could set something up for the future? maybe get some coffee when i’m in SF next? i’ve heard such good things about you.
boytigerrockin at hotmail dot com