Snip, snip

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There’s a Far Side cartoon; a dog is leaning out the back of a station wagon, barking at his dog friends next door. “…and after we go to the drug store, I’m going to go to the vet and get tutored!”

Today’s the big day. snip, snip!

Think kind thoughts for me.

8 thoughts on “Snip, snip

    1. browse Post author

      Just back home

      The procedure itself was on a par with going to the dentist for a cavity. The shots aren’t fun, and there’s some unpleasant pushing and squeezing and burning smells during, but nothing excruciating. Twenty minutes, tops.

      Thirty minutes afterwards, and there’s some discomfort, like someone has my testicles in their hand and they’re squeezing just a little too firmly, but nothing hardcore.

      I can say that I’ve smelled my burning corneas _and_ my burning vas deferens now! 🙂

      1. dearanxiety

        Re: Pictures…

        cool! thanks! i’ll send that on to my friend. i’m a little disturbed by the whole “burning” smell. but it sounds like it went well and i’m glad you’re not in too much pain.

  1. nosty

    Wow. So how long have you been thinking about the surgery? What made you decide on it, besides the obvious, “I don’t want to have kids.”?

    1. browse Post author


      Well, a couple of things. Since being an adult, I’ve tended to assume I would have kid(s), but always “In a year or two.” And funny thing, the older I got, the further and further that estimate moved out. as it is, I’m entering geezer-dom and started doing the math of “If I spawned right now, by the time the kid graduated high school, I would be…” And the answer was “old”. Too damn old to enjoy it.

      The catalyst was a reason experience with a wonderful kid that left me grinding my teeth. That got the conversations started, and the requisite net research into various options. Everything just kinda came together.

      Worst case, if I have some magical epifany in a couple of years and decide I simply must experience the magic that is parenthood, I have no issues at all with adoption.

      No, I absolutely would not consider “banking” some sperm aside. And I wouldn’t consider going through the enormous hassle of trying to have it reversed. (Reversal is a couple of orders of magnitude more complicated that the vasectomy itself.)

      So, snip, snip. 🙂

      Does that help explain?

    1. browse Post author

      Kind thoughts

      So far, things have gone remarkably well. I’m itchy as all get out, primarily from the shaving I assume. But there’s no real pain, no oozing, no appreciable swelling, and only very faint bruising. No worries.

      Thanks for the well wishes, all of you.


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