I just realized, it has been easier for me to stop watching television cold turkey than it has been for me to stop using cotton swabs after I shower. “Around the outer surface of the ear”, my ass. That gentle scratching inside my ear, it’s the after-dinner mint of the shower experience.
For a second I thought you stated you used them on your ass – had to re-read that but it was still a good laugh the first time around 😛
Ass swabs?
Ha! No, that wasn’t what I meant, but it is a hell of an image. 🙂 I suspect a single “nedd” would require a hell of a lot of them. Not that I plan on testing this theory. Eww.
Re: Ass swabs?
Yes! Ass Swabs! I can just read the warnings now “Johnsons Ass Swabs are not meant to be inserted into the rectum. They are ONLY for use around the rim. Anything more could be DANGEROUS & result in a horrible accident!”
Okay – maybe I’m taking this too far – in that kind of mood I guess. Aside from that – have a good day 🙂