Meat Cake!

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I saw this idea on LJ today, as well as MetaFilter. The mood struck me just right, so I had to try it myself.

Presenting, meat cake!

Two rounds of meatloaf, with a layer of sauce between, iced with mashed potatoes. I brought it to the table with a small speech about “Life is short, eat dessert first.” I had hoped my attempts at fancy cake decorating would distract them, but as I had predicted, Melody immediately leapt in with “That’s potatoes!” Oh well, even without the surprise, it was still well worth the effort.

10 thoughts on “Meat Cake!

      1. pooralice

        It looks so much like frosting on meat, which just makes me ill.

        …Maybe the fact that I’m vegetarian factors into the disgust? But I have to say, that’s a very well executed concept. The photography is excellent too.

        I never like meatloaf, when I was a kid and did eat meat, not even my mom’s. And that’s a sin, right?

        1. browse Post author

          Ahh, okay, I hear what you’re saying. Up close and in person, the fact that the icing was mashed potatoes settled in and it didn’t seem quite so wrong.

          But frankly, I’m not a big meatloaf guy either. This dinner was more about the presentation more than the fine dining. It just struck me as a particularly twisted idea, and, well… I have a considerable appetite for the strange and unusual. 🙂

  1. cattibrie

    It looks fantastic from the outside, but I have to admit the meatloaf inside looks kind of ghastly when viewed as “cake” when sliced into.

    Sounds good though!


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