Day 39 of 62

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We woke up, said our goodbyes, and headed back onto the road. Which, in this case, meant onto a ferry. We rode a ferry from Greenport across to New London, Connecticut, right past Plum Island, where Tom works.

The tip of Plum Island

We followed the Connecticut coastline for a while, passing through a number of small towns, stopping in one of them for lunch. In the afternoon, the sky started turning increasingly gray and we made along the coast through CT and Rhode Island to Massachusetts, the 18th state we’ve been in on the road trip so far.

The traffic leading out into Cape Cod seemed light, so we decided to drive out there for the evening. After passing a couple of camp sites that were fully booked, we finally found a commercial campground that had some openings, and that didn’t seem to pack the campers right next to one another. We set up camp and relaxed a bit, when we noticed a couple strolling past the campsite with a couple of lawn chairs. I guessed that they must be walking to see the sunset on the beach. After all, we’re on Cape Cod, how far can the ocean be? So, we decided to walk down to some trails we had noticed earlier and stroll down to the beach. Okay, maybe it would have made more sense to ask for directions first, or to have taken the GPS with us. The trail went a considerable distance, through multiple twists and forks. After an hour and a half we did finally see the ocean, but from a scenic point some considerable distance from any beach, even over the rooftops of scattered houses on the hillside down to the water. Oh well, we needed the walk. We doubled back and returned to our campsite in time to crash for the evening.

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