Day 37 of 62

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This post is form Shelley:
Struggled awake in the morning and drove from Port Jeff to Greenport. This route turned out to be much longer than it looked like on the map, especially when traffic was backed up for miles courtesy of the antique-farm-equipment fair; once we passed that we went through miles of young vineyards and wineries and then finally, the water. Man, I’m having a love affair with the water this trip! The LI Sound looked great, and there were lots of people out there enjoying it. The water was swarmed with boats of all kinds and sizes and water bikes (is that the right generic word for Jet Ski(tm)?) and people swimming. So when we arrived at Tom and MJ’s condo it was great to see that the view was right on Stirling Harbor and there was a parade of boats and people and ospreys all day long just waiting to be observed from the patio. It was great to see Tom and MJ at the condo and to be able to picture them there from now on.

Tom took us on a slow boat ride into the main harbor of Greenport and around the collection of tall ships on display.

Tall ships in the Greenport harbor

Then we went around Shelter Island and got to enjoy zooming through the chop and the other boats’ wakes; another great reminder of how much I love being on the water. We came home and started working on that night’s dinner, chicken enchiladas, the ones I call “crackchiladas” because the leftovers disappear so fast. This meal was delicious as always and it was fun to be in the kitchen again after so long away from one. Mary Jane is still recovering from surgery, so Robert made double the recipe, so we would be leaving plenty of left-overs behind us.

After dinner we gave a semi-disorganized slide show of the photos from the trip so far. I’m so glad we’re keeping this log because after five weeks, things are starting to blur in my mind. It’s been nice to give several accounts of the trip recently in meeting up with friends and relatives, to help keep it all fresh in my mind.

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