I saw this, and thought of various foodies in my life. Enjoy. 🙂
In related news, I made fish tacos the other night, which turned out quite nicely, and sweet potato biscuits this morning, which were a little doughy in the middle but still very yummy. The new kitchen still needs some organization and shuffling, but it is coming together.
I’m wondering … are you a bit of a chef?
If so, any idea where a girl could go to get her knives sharpened? 🙂
> I’m wondering … are you a bit of a chef?
Purely amateur, and self-taught.
> If so, any idea where a girl could go to get her knives sharpened? 🙂
Is that a euphemism for something? “Man, it’s been weeks since I’ve had my knives sharpened, if you know what I mean.” 😉
I have never taken my knives anywhere to be sharpened. I use them so much that I worry I would no sooner get them back before I would need them adjusted again. So, I have found a gadget to sharpen them myself. I’ve tried the thingie with the metal wheels and the widget with the ceramic disks, and I have finally settled on the gadget with the V-shaped carbide bits. Here’s one at Amazon. Simple to use and puts a great edge on my non-serrated knives.
Is that a euphemism for something?
Hey, now you’re giving me ideas. And that’s not a good idea to give to a person in a grouchy mood. (I can think of a particular boss I’d like to use it on right now.)
Thanks for the info. The ceramic disks you are refering to wouldn’t happen to be whetstones? I’ve been thinking of just buying one and sharpening the blades myself.
Not whetstones so much. They are tiny disks, placed face to face, with slightly beveled surfaces. The blade edge is dragged between the two disks. Does that make any sense?
Someday, I should learn how to use a whetstone and a steel and sharpen blades the old-fashioned way. But I should learn to play guitar first.
Yet another kitchen accessory … 🙂
Ah, the quest for a sharp knife ! I have used the other types you described with varying success.
Now I have to own one of those thingys on Amazon. Must try it out.
Happy new kitchen! As I and my partner are both having dental work, I am experimenting with soups…
This may be too chewy for dental patients, but maybe not; I will email you the recipe for tortilla soup that someone gifted me with.
Thank you, sweet man.
Ah ha!
I wondered what that photo had to do with “rude food”. FInally clicked on the photo and now I get it. Very cool!