Worst. Homecoming. Ever.

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I’ve been out of town for work all week, every day eager to be back home. Looking forward to seeng The Girl, and then working crew for the Rose City Rollers with her on Saturday, before she vanishes back into the fog of studying for the next week.

Instead, there was no one to greet me at the airport. And my cell calls went unanswered. Sad and let down, I trudged to the MAX and waited for the next car. Ten minutes later it finally pulls away, and about three minutes after that, I get the call, “Where are you?” Sigh. So, we finally meet at the 99th Street transit center and I’m trying not to be upset. We’re chatting a little on the way home when she abruptly pulls over and throws up most dramatically. She went out to the bars with a bunch of classmates the night before and is still feeling the effects. So much for roller derby.