Last night I attended “Blood Bucket Ballyhoo”, at the Hypnodrome at 10th and Bryant.
Billed as a modern “Grand Guignol”, this theater specializes in performances of several one-act plays featuring murder, betrayal, affairs of the hearts, crimes of passion and blood, lots of blood. The ambiance ends up as one part vaudeville, one part Rocky Horror Picture Show and one part Nightmare on Elm Street.
But mostly it was a reminder of why I so enjoy living in this city. I can’t imagine where else I could live, where on any random weekend I can say “We should do something tonight” and find such bizarre and inventive offerings as this.
diggin the icon
That sounds kind of cool.
I can’t imagine where else I could live, where on any random weekend I can say “We should do something tonight” and find such bizarre and inventive offerings as this.
I can think of a few contenders, but I know what you mean. Sometimes, I think I could live in this city forever, and that scares me.
Can you say more about why that scares you? I know some of my reasons, but I’m curious to know yours.
I’m young, and I want to experience life in other places. I’m worried I’m missing something somewhere else. Living in the same city for too long never appealed to me as a kid (though it’s sounding more so every day). Also, it’s unlikely I will ever be able to afford to buy a home here. Those are the only reasons I can think of, but they’re pretty big ones.
I just started a job in the South Bay, so I’m worried about how the daily commute will wear on me. And while I love all of the great things going on in the city, I also very much enjoy the peace and solitude of nature, and I worry that I’ll find precious little opportunity for that. I doubt I will ever have bank enough to buy a house in Sf, unless the big housing bubble burst really occurs. And I worry about settling here too long, and missing something really amazing somewhere else. Is it time to move north yet? When am I finally going to explore Europe in depth? What about the Far East? Dammit, one life time just isn’t enough.
And then there are the more mundane fear of waking up in the morning to find the pile of glass on the sidewalk is from my car window this time.