A couple of years ago, during a trip to the UK, I finally decided I needed a bag to carry on my travels. I was trying to juggle a wallet, camera, binoculars, passport, postcards, pen, notepad and who knows how much else. A shop conveniently presented itself and I found a nice black shoulder bag made out of some heavy-duty, man-made material with lots of convenient pockets, nooks and crannies.
Fairly immediately, I started getting good-natured teasing from my friends for carrying “a purse”. Though the teasing didn’t particularly bother me, something about it resonated inside my head. It didn’t feel like a purse to me. I toyed with calling it “the man bag”, or the vaguely more salacious “man sack”.
The contents of the bag gradually became more techie. A combination laser-pointer voice recorder was added, along with a set of jeweler’s screwdrivers. A tiny pocket knife was acquired, and a LED flashlight, and a thin 6-foot tape measure.
The correct analogy for for what I was building finally occurred to me. It wasn’t a purse at all; it was Batman’s utility belt! All I needed was a grappling hook and tear gas pellets and the equipment list would be complete.
Hmm, I wonder if Batman carried hemp lip balm in his utility belt?
Lisa calls hers a butch bag. Her contents are a little less geeky, though. 🙂 Loved the photos!
Batman’s Utility Belt. I like it. It made a nice place to put all those chocolate covered orange peels as well, if I remember correctly. I’m certain Batman had many of those. 🙂
Not to be too nosy, but, err, umm, who is this? Obviously, someone who knows me, but you posted anonymously so, I’m not sure who you are. Most of my LJ posts are friend-locked, so if you want to see more contemporary content, you should make an LJ account and login, and I can add you to my flist.