Cooking frenzy

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I was inspired to spend the day in the kitchen, and so far, it really has been a whole day kind of thing. I was at the grocery at 8:00 am getting ingredients and have been dorking in the kitchen ever since.

Tuscan White Bean Soup, which is a recipe I found in Cooks Illustrated. It was okay, but not great. I suspect the cannellini beans from Whole Foods (Whole Paycheck) were a bit old. I had to cook them much longer than expected to get nicely tender beans. But still, it was a nice fall lunch. Maybe I’ll hit the farmer’s market in Coooopertino and see if there are good beans to be had there.

I also threw together a batch of hummus for grazing through the coming week. Props to Mary Jane for the original recipe which I have since evolved into my own.

Then I put together a pie crust and the guts for a pecan pie, which is in the oven even as I type. How is it possible that I don’t own a set of pie weights? What are the odds this is the first time in human history that a set of metric sockets have been used as pie weights?

And then for dinner, I’m making enchiladas. I’ve tweaked this recipe a bit, roasting the chicken thighs in advance and shredding them as if I was making chicken salad. It’s simmering on the stove now; we’ll see how it turns out.

I have massage worked planned for every single night this week (either class or doing practice massages), so this may be the only cooking that happens all week. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Cooking frenzy

  1. laurex

    Gah! Lessee, massage, cooking, fixing Macs… you’re kindof like “The Ideal Man” at this point, aren’t you?? 😉

    p.s. the package is still MIA! :-0

  2. darthsunshine

    Excellent! Bean soup sounds tasty. And it sounds like the perfect fall-weather kinda food for the cooler days we’ve been having of late.

    I keep meaning to be inspired to spend a day cooking in the kitchen, but so far that day hasn’t materialized. Thankfully, the pumpkin that’s going to be cooked (pumpkin curry–mmmm) will last for quite a while sitting on the counter. Gourds are good that way. 🙂

    As for using metric sockets as pie weights, I suspect this isn’t the first time in human history that’s been done, but I also suspect that it hasn’t exactly been a common occurrence. *I* certainly wouldn’t have thought of it. Nice improvisation!


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