For those of you who are local, I’m looking for willing massage victims again.
I’m taking Advanced Massage, another 125-hour massage class, and as part of the class I need to perform 20 practice massages. Any one interested in playing victim? I’ve done this enough that I’m confident that I can deliver at least a relaxing, enjoyable, soothing massage. And if you have something specific that’s bothering you, let’s talk about it and I’ll see what I can do.
Drop me an email if you’re interested and let’s see if we can arrange a mutually workable time.
I’d be happy to get a massage, thanks! 🙂 Email me at and we can figure out details.
Do you want me to put a link to this post in my own LJ? I have a bunch of local LJ friends who might be interested as well.
Me me me, please!
You can ad me to your list…
pick me! pick me!
If local means the SF Bay Area.
Again, assuming “local” means “in the same metro area”.
ooooh ….
me me me … referred by MacTavish. Where are you located?
Oh, please, this would be so good
My husband and I would both be interested.
Willing victim!
I found you through. I’m in the South Bay, but would travel great distances for a massage! 🙂
Re: Willing victim!
Can you drop me an email and I’ll give you more info? I looked for an email address in your LJ userinfo, but didn’t find anything.
You can reach me at massage at badexample dot org.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Haven’t seen you in ages…would be nice to know what happened since we went to San Simeon years ago. Sure — feel free to come up to SF and work on me.
Your current email isn’t in your profile, so please look me up at
Is there still room?
referred by Mactavish! If there’s a possibility of still getting one, I’d like to sign up! blastula at yahoo dot com
I live in the City, with and and .
That sounds wonderful… if you still need victims, sign me up : )
Your LJ userinfo doesn’t include an email address. Can you email me at massage at badexample dot org and we can make arrangements from there?