
      12 Comments on Mortified

I’m usually not very shy about posting embarrassing things to my journal. But I find myself particularly mortified by what I’m about to say.

Let me preface it by saying, while I am by no means “in shape”, I certainly don’t think of myself as a couch potato either. I’ve been doing an hour on the elliptical at the gym three or four days a week, for months now. I’m an avid hiker, do pretty physical massages and generally am a “hale and hearty” kind of fellow.

But this morning, I am all achy and sore. From… *gulp* … playing a goddamn video game.

The Kabaña where I stay on my work trips to the south bay has recently been outfitted with a Nintendo Wii. Last night, I started playing the tennis game on it. Here I am, swinging and flailing with the Wii remote in front of the television, trying to nail that cross-court backhand with enough top spin to tear the fuzz right off the virtual tennis ball. I’m playing both partners in a doubles match, playing really fast volleys at the net, trying to smash down those big fat lobs my opponent keeps lofting over the net.

Maybe I should start doing something at the gym that involves my upper body, you think? Or maybe I should buy a Wii. 🙂 Or, more likely, both.

12 thoughts on “Mortified

  1. thatsassylassie

    hahahaha nice. Don’t buy a Wii. Ok, you can if you want to. I just hate video games, but I spose once you’re hooked there’s no going back. I’ve been humbled by exercise/my body as well. I do consider myself relatively in shape and can run a good distance, lift weights, etc. However, when I started taking yoga class I wanted to cry. That involves stuff that has nothing to do with endurance or brute force. I was put in my place. Ok, buy a Wii, life is short, you should be happy! 😀

    1. browse Post author

      I do a bit of yoga, and pushups on an irregular basis. So, you’d think that my shoulders would be up to the task, but… not so much.

      Of course, simply switching to a different elliptical machine at the gym was a rude shock to my legs. So, I guess I need more variation in my exercise in general. And there’s no reason the Wii can’t be part of that variation.

      Mmm, I love the smell of rationalization in the afternoon!

      (Psst! We should get together sometime. Like, in real life. 🙂

      1. thatsassylassie

        Yeah yeah!!! I totally forgot to get back to you! I’m done with finals on Monday so next week is GOOD.

        Oh, and for future reference, I have been dubbed queen of rationalization. If you need an excuse, I mean, explanation, I probably have one. 😉

  2. obsqurity

    I think that anytime you suddenly start doing something that you’re not used to, you’re going to suffer a little the next day. It doesn’t mean that you’re a slob. Upper body work is always a good thing though.

  3. superflashgo

    HAHAHA no no no that’s GOOD! I’ve been hearing from people who have purchased Wii’s that they are sore the next day from things like bowling and golf.

    I don’t think it’s pathetic. I think it’s AWESOME! Instead of sitting in front of the couch you virtual tennised until you were sore. Keep it up.

    In FACT! Use this as a reason to get a Wii…you need it to help you get into even better shape.

    (I can justify any purchase using this roundabout logic)

  4. aanor

    That’s why I love the Wii!

    I use the boxing game in “Wii Sports” as my aerobic workout on rainy days. If you think tennis is a good workout… try boxing sometime. I can do it for all of 30 min. before I’m totally exhausted and I always feel it the next day.

    We’ve sometimes host “Wine and Wii” partys at our house where we invite friends over to play Wii party games and sip wine while laughing at others flail about wildly while they play. People are always surprised how much they feel it the next day.

    And if you’re thinking of buying a Wii for exercise purposes, you should know they are working on a “Wii Fit” game that will introduce a sort of balance board into the equation. And then there’s Dance Dance Revolution… coming out for the Wii in September, which, in case you’re not familiar with DDR, incorporates a dance pad (think old-school Nintendo game mat).

    1. browse Post author

      Re: That’s why I love the Wii!

      I saw a video of the Wii Fit! I’me ager to know just how sensitive the thing is and whether it tracks subtle things like stepping off to the right, versus the left, etc. Now that I’ve played with the default controller, I’m really impressed by how well it handles.

      Haven’t tried boxing or baseball yet. So far, just tennis, golf and bowling. And the latter two aren’t exactly a workout. 🙂

      1. aanor

        Re: That’s why I love the Wii!

        I just watched the trailer for Wii Fit, and it looks like the balance pad is actually two pressure sensors – one for right and left foot. And the fact the thing can do snowboarding is a good sign as far as sensativity.

        Golf and bowling are fun but, as you say, not really a workout. The baseball one pretty much sucks. Tennis and boxing are your best bet.


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