oot and aboot

      10 Comments on oot and aboot

Okay, who wants to go out and have a drink early Wednesday evening? Let’s see a show of hands… Now’s your chance to scratch that “social” itch.

10 thoughts on “oot and aboot

    1. browse Post author

      5 might be a bit early for me to get downtown. Can we cheat towards 5:30 or 6?
      I confess to not knowing the downtown scene as well as I would like. Can you suggest a meeting place? A bar, a restaurant, whatever.

        1. browse Post author

          Sckavone’s at 5:30 sounds great!

          My cell is 503-309-7687. My email is browse at badexample oneofthemdotthingies org
          I’ll be the burly guy with the nearly shaved head and a reddish goatee.

          Looking forward to seeing/meeting you!


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