I’m going on vacation next week, to Amsterdam, of all places. I’m planning on taking a staggering number of photos while I’m there, and I was joking with a friend about the resulting web page of photos.
Here’s the “coffee shop” we went to after we landed.
Here’s a picture of my hand.
Dude, have you ever really looked at your hand?
Here are 50 more pictures of my hand.
Here’s a picture of a puddle on the sidewalk outside the “coffee shop”.
Here are 83 more pictures of the puddle.
Dude, this is, like, the coolest puddle I’ve ever seen in my life.
You get the idea. 🙂
man, i’ve got more damned pictures of my feet than i know what to do with. my feet and the clock or a watch that reads “4:20” … *sigh*
at any rate, i can’t wait to see the “puddles of amsterdam” web site 😉
Neat, I am envious. I haven’t been off the continent and amsterdam sounds fun. I’ve heard about brothels with scantily clad sometimes nude prostitutes in the windows. Take pictures of things like that. I find it really interesting the way that nudity and sex (without violence) is shown in europe.