Pizza my heart

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Hooray for networking through LJ!
Last week wordygrrl talked about making pizza with some friends, and I whined about not having found a dough and sauce recipe that I liked. qe2 replied and provided recipes for both.

Tonight I finally got around to trying the recipes, and they were great! I’d never have thought about the splash of balsamic vinegar in the sauce, but that was a fantastic touch! I was worried the crust would stick to my baking stone, but it came off really easily. Yay!

Much thanks to the aforementioned babes! If you’re ever in the Bay Area, I owe you a home-cooked meal.

2 thoughts on “Pizza my heart

    1. browse Post author

      For homemade pizzas, my preference is for thin crust, but something that can hold up to the moisture and weight of the sauce and toppings. Prior to this recipe from , the closest I had found was some pre-made raw pizza dough sold in baggies at Trader Joe’s.

      I sent the recipes to you in email. I hope that address is still valid. Lemme know if you haven’t gotten anything.

      I’m still doing massage, though at a slower pace. I screwed up my elbow on the massive summer roadtrip. Chopping excessive amount of firewood down to size using a tiny crummy camp hatchet can cause problems amazingly similar to tennis elbow!

      So, I’ve been doing something like one massage a week lately, although I did a two-fer on Friday and that went well. Come January, I’d like to sign up for another class, or perhaps TA one (or both!) and start to pick up the pace.

      Although, I have some fairly serious plans to sign up for a bunch of college science classes that will fully book my weekends for nine months, and I’ve been thinking about returning to the high tech grind, so I might be over-estimating my time availability. 🙂


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