Hip and Happenin’ Massage Groove

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I’m in Portland for a week or so, which is really great, but I’ve been sad about not being able to practice massage while up here. I’m still out of practice from the long summer break, and I’d really like to get back in form.

Success 1: Dan and Melody have a friend, Laurie, who had a massage table sitting unused in her garage. Score.

Success 2: Hrm, where can I set up the table? Dan and Melody have Owen, their son, and his hoarde of friends. It’s hard to find the right combination of privacy, space and atmosphere for doing massage with the Huns storming through the house. Oh, right! I just happen to own a fabulous house right down the street that is unoccupied. Score.

Success 3: Sheets? Oh, right, I have clean sheets (courtesy of Kurt) in the camper bus. Music? Borrow a pair of computer speakers (courtesy of Ed) and plug in the iPod. Sweet.

So, I have the hip and happenin’ massage groove going on just down the street. If any of my Portland pals are interested in a massage during the next week, just let me know. My elbow is still bothering me, so I’m probably only good for one a day. So, first come, first served.

7 thoughts on “Hip and Happenin’ Massage Groove

  1. toley

    OMG. You so picked the week I’m going to the East coast on purpose. I hate you.

    Ok, maybe that’s a little extreme. I have subtly ill-willed feelings towards you.

    Stick around ’till I get back!

  2. vito_excalibur

    Lucky Portland pals!

    The other day when I was complaining about my shoulder & you said it sounded like I needed a massage & I said something like “Ack, don’t touch me!” I meant only that NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO TOUCH my poor tender shoulders. Not you personally. The massage I got from you was great. 🙂

    So was Mags’s, by the way. That deserves its own separate post. Mmmmmmmmm.

    1. browse Post author

      Aww, that’s sweet of you to say. I have to admit, I did kind of wonder about your “Don’t touch me!” response, but it was easier to assume the worst and curl into the fetal position than to ask you. 🙂

      I’m glad things went so well with mags. She rocks, and she’s getting even better; she started a class in Thai massage this weekend!

    1. browse Post author

      Re: Hey, I’m in the wrong state!

      > Now, what was that about a sore elbow?

      Aww, how sweet of you to ask!

      During the road trip I overdid it with a small hatchet, splitting wood for camp fires. Really overdid it. Shooting pain centered in the radial fossa adjacent to the olecranon. When I got home, I went to Quinn Ortho and saw a PT (entirely due to your influence). The diagnosis was “tennis elbow”. Tendons get notoriously poor blood flow, and it just takes a long time to heal. I’ve been icing it periodically, and a bit of massage, and trying not to do anything that makes it go Ow!

      Thankfully, the pain comes from wrist extension, and massage more often means wrist flexion (when the wrist is used at all), so doing massages hasn’t noticeably aggravated it, so far.


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