In loco parentis

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Melody’s mom is in ICU from multiple heart attacks and complicated and lengthy by-pass surgery. Melody and Dan are on their way to Ohio and we’re all anxiously awaiting word of developments as they occur.

But what does this have to do with me? I mean, come on. Let’s stay focused on what’s important!

Somehow, I have volunteered to watch The Boy while D & M are gone to Ohio. And that alone wouldn’t be so much, except that just yesterday, D&M took ownership of a brand new shiny puppy. A not yet house-broken, still not imprinted on anyone in the house, follows under your feet puppy.


6 thoughts on “In loco parentis

  1. nosty

    Crate training. No, it really isn’t mean if you do it right. Toss a couple of those MacWorld Iomega shirts in it along with an old towel to make it semi comfy. I also suggest limiting space, kiddie gates or closing off bedrooms is a good idea. Puppies have a memory of about 2 seconds, so unless you catch them in the act, forget it.

    While my dog does not use her crate anymore (gazing out the window all day is better), she is still very fond of it when we go on trips or to stay at someone else’s home.

      1. nosty

        Perhaps if you stick it outside and refer to it as “the fort” the boy will go into it, and then it isn’t child abuse. 🙂

  2. laurex

    Is The Boy a real boy? You guys are probably totally amazing in the caretaking department. After all, as I recall, you can bake pies!

    1. browse Post author

      He is a real boy. And if the first 24 hours are any indicator, taking care of a puppy is a lot more demanding that caring for a boy. Dang!


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